Download our eBook: Cyber Security Strategy

Is there a better time to review cyber security? With the mass adoption of flexible working, you may find your existing cyber security plan outdated. We know the thought of creating such a plan can be...

Cyber security – combat your greatest risk: Your employees

Of all the components that contribute to cyber security, your employees are your greatest risk. Right now, at least one employee is undertaking an action that will pose a cyber security risk to your b...

Is your IT provider taking cyber security seriously?

With the increased uptake of cloud services across most organisations, it is crucial to assess your IT providers. You need to make sure they approach your business cyber security professionally. It is...

Secure remote working and cyber security

For some time, several organisations have been providing flexible working practices for their employees. However, the onset of COVID-19 is posing numerous challenges, even for those that had already a...

Learning from the Lockdown

We have all learned a lot from the lockdown – about ourselves, our families and our businesses. It’s important that even though there have been difficulties and challenges, we should emerg...

Social Distancing – the new normal

We are social animals and we generally enjoy the company of other people. So the concept of social distancing is a huge adjustment. And social isolation and shielding has been a shock to our normal wa...

Security while working from home

It’s been a very tough few weeks for everyone but hopefully you have managed to get through the initial challenges the lockdown has brought. Most of our clients were already geared up to work fr...

Working from home – a personal perspective

Working from home has always been something I tried to avoid as my previous forays into this isolating world have been met with varied success. Self-motivation, the feeling of loneliness, and the remo...

Backups – while on lockdown

The world of work has radically changed in just a few short weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the impact on everyone’s lives is changing our behaviour in unimaginable ways. Who wo...

The new work norm: Adapting during challenging times

The situation is changing all the time and we’ve moved into a period of great uncertainty and worry. Office-based workers who are used to the routine, camaraderie and banter of office life are n...