About Process Automation

The art of automating manual and often time-consuming processes into workflows has been around for many years. Simple examples include email filing rules, Excel macros and in-software workflow tools. However, it’s becoming more complex as businesses strive to automate a growing number of manual processes to improve business efficiencies, reduce human errors, and increase scalability.

Why Orca?

We know the thought of automating monotonous tasks can be exciting as we all want more time back, but too often, we see businesses jump straight into the deep end. As a result, it can cause more harm than good causing multiple issues.

We’ve built and implemented process automation throughout our business, so we can confidently help you begin your automation journey. We’ll start by going back to basics and understanding what you want to achieve. Once completed, we can begin mapping out the process, ensuring every little detail is captured. Depending on which automation type you opt for
we can help you build or put you in touch with one of our trusted automation partners to complete your automation build, testing and implementation.

Process Automation Product Sheet

Curious about Process Automation and need more information? Download our product sheet and explore more about our offering. If you’ve any further questions about Process Automation, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0345 504 8989 or book a free consultation with a member of our team.

Download the Process Automation Product Sheet

Verified client testimonials

We’ve teamed up with the leading verified B2B review and rating platform, Clutch. It provides you with sincere and transparent experiences from our clients, which will help you to choose the best IT partner for your business. As a result, we’re one of the leading UK IT Managed Service Providers. Although, please don’t take our word for it; look at our latest Clutch-verified reviews from a range of clients.

Book a Process Automation Consultation

We know that automating monotonous tasks can be exciting as we all want more time back, but too often, we see businesses jump straight into the deep end. As a result, it can cause more harm than good. We’re on hand if you need any advice on how you can streamline your business with Process Automation. Book in a no-obligation meeting with us or give us a call on 0345 504 8989.

Technology you can count on

Get in touch online or give us a call on 0345 504 8989